Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tau of Physics

These three words don't mean just three words but they contain the universal meaning of life.
Every life has to undergo an integral quantum of Tau of Physics.
It simple means something that rises,falls too for sure.
Sometimes going into deep thought of astronomical physics,I too found the phenomenon of mass,space and gravity so much interlinked that these can be altogether somewhere be correlated as one entity,Time.Einstein too had thought the same way.
What's the relation?
So you can imagine of space as a rectangular sheet of paper being suspended on its four sides to make it a flat 2 dimensional surface.
Now you drop a solid ball of some weight over the paper.You now can find that, ball's weight has led the paper to respond by making the 2-D surface to a 3-D surface.
Now you pour some liquid over the paper and you'd see the liquid moving towards the ball,as the ball's weight has made the paper to attain 3-D.
This is what is gravitation and that's how gravitational and centripetal forces act upon each other
to make the objects revolve around a bigger object.
But how long does this process go?
There is no frictional resistance in space.
So Newton's third law is acting in full pace.
Then whats the source of this infinite Energy?
Hubble said,the inverse of Hubble's constant gives the age of universe.
So,there was a time when either mass, space or energy originated as a single entity.
Getting confused?
Now let me take you to Big E,what he said about speed of light.
Speed of light is the maximum speed an object can attain at its full strength.
Lets take an example,you are moving from Point A to B with certain velocity.
Person X moves with 30km/hr where as his rival Y,moves at 90km/hr.
Definitely Y makes to reach first.
But now concentrate on velocity and time.
X if meets an accident on the way,would be affected much lesser as compared to Y due to their kinetic energies and inertia of motion.
As Y moves faster,Y has a higher kinetic energy and so its more massive.
But as far as I know,Y can't gain mass all of a sudden.
Then what happens really?
Yes,Y gets more mass on him than X in motion.
There's where we end.
Its either energy or mass which can affect each other.
That's how Big E got his first thinking of relationship on mass and energy through theory of relativity.
I'm gonna speak now on theory of relativity which is still assumed as something very complex to understand.
m=m0/sqrt(1- (v*v/ c*c)).

m0 is rest mass.
v is velocity of body.
c is speed of light.

As any mass can move with not more than c,so c stays as the maximum limit.
Kinetic energy in anyways is (1/2)* m*v*v.
So as velocity gains itself,mass is somehow affected.
Thus we have m,as the mass in motion and v as velocity.
Let me explain you better in my next blog.

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